Potomac Valley Hospital anoints Crossland Cancer Center
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Read More: Potomac Valley Hospital anoints Crossland Cancer Center
West Virginia University Jackson’s Mill has offered outdoor recreation opportunities to youth for years, but their access to the river that runs along the campus has been limited. However, through a recent partnership, they were able to add two new river access ramps, increasing these opportunities significantly.
Three West Virginia University student-led projects and three University programs will benefit from the latest round of grants awarded by Women of WVU.
Read More: Two WVU Davis College alumni receive scholarships to pursue dreams
Thanks to the help of many generous donors, longtime West Virginia University Extension 4-H club leader Stacy Fint’s legacy will live on through new cultural heritage experiences for young West Virginians attending state 4-H camps.
Read More: Endowed fund advances cultural heritage studies at WVU 4-H state camps
Reed Hall (at left) poses with son Davis IV at a WVU football game. His passion
for WVU has inspired him to give $1 million to support Mountaineer athletics.
(Submitted Photo)
Read More: Alum’s passion for WVU leads to continued support of Mountaineer Athletics
Cheat Lake Animal Hospital veterinarians (from left) Drs. Elli Antulov, Chuck Wolfe and Jesse Fallon work with a patient. The clinic’s $450,000 gift to WVU will help launch the state’s first four-year veterinary technology program. (Submitted Photo)
A West Virginia University graduate inspired by his late mother’s passion for nursing is building upon her legacy with a $200,000 scholarship gift to support School of Nursing students from West Virginia.
Read More: WVU grad celebrates mom’s legacy with $200K School of Nursing scholarship gift